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How Astaxanthin Can Nourish Your Skin from Within


Astaxanthin, a potent carotenoid, is gaining recognition for its substantial benefits in skincare. Found in marine organisms like algae, prawns, and salmon, this compound is extensively researched for its ability to nourish the skin from within. This article will explore the multifaceted benefits of Astaxanthin, focusing on its antioxidant properties, UV protection, anti-inflammatory effects, and more, offering a comprehensive insight into its role in skin health.

Potent Antioxidant Properties

Astaxanthin is renowned for its antioxidant properties, significantly stronger than Vitamin C, making it a crucial component in combating oxidative stress and free radicals, which are responsible for cellular damage and ageing. These antioxidant properties are pivotal in preventing skin ageing and maintaining skin vitality. By neutralising different free radicals, it ensures comprehensive protection and reduces the likelihood of premature ageing and skin diseases.

Astaxanthin also protects cellular components like cell membranes and DNA from oxidative damage, preserving the integrity and functionality of skin cells. This preservation is crucial for maintaining a youthful appearance and is a cornerstone in the fight against ageing. The regular intake of Astaxanthin can enhance the skin’s resilience against environmental pollutants and stressors, ensuring the skin remains vibrant and healthy.

However, obtaining it naturally through diet can be challenging, and supplements can be a viable alternative. The quality and authenticity of supplements need to be ensured to reap the full benefits of Astaxanthin. It’s essential to consider the source and formulation of Astaxanthin supplements to avoid any adverse effects.

Protection Against UV Radiation

Exposure to UV radiation is a leading cause of skin damage, including sunburn, ageing, and skin cancer. Astaxanthin acts as a natural sunscreen, protecting the skin from the harmful effects of UV rays. It mitigates the inflammatory response induced by UV exposure, reducing redness, swelling, and pain associated with sunburn, thereby preserving skin health and appearance.

Astaxanthin helps in preventing collagen degradation and promotes skin elasticity, combating the signs of photoageing. By boosting the skin’s inherent defence mechanisms, Astaxanthin aids in resisting the detrimental effects of UV radiation, allowing the skin to maintain its integrity and youthful appearance. This protection is crucial in maintaining skin health in the harsh Australian sun.

However, Astaxanthin does not replace sunscreen and should be used in conjunction with a broad-spectrum sunscreen for optimal protection. The dosage and duration of Astaxanthin supplementation also need careful consideration to balance the benefits and avoid any potential adverse effects. It’s crucial to maintain sun protection measures along with Astaxanthin supplementation.

Anti-Inflammatory Effects

Inflammation is a natural response to injury or infection but can be detrimental when chronic. Astaxanthin’s anti-inflammatory properties are instrumental in alleviating inflammatory skin conditions like acne, eczema, and psoriasis. It modulates the production of inflammatory cytokines and reduces the expression of inflammatory markers, thereby mitigating inflammation and its associated symptoms.

By reducing inflammation, Astaxanthin facilitates the healing process of the skin, preventing scarring and promoting the regeneration of healthy skin tissue. This reduction is pivotal in managing various skin conditions and improving overall skin well-being. Regular intake of Astaxanthin can provide relief and maintain skin suppleness, especially for individuals with sensitive skin.

Balancing the anti-inflammatory effects of Astaxanthin with its other benefits is crucial. Over-reliance on its anti-inflammatory properties without addressing the underlying causes of skin inflammation can be counterproductive. It’s essential to adopt a holistic approach to manage inflammation effectively.

Enhancement of Skin Moisture and Elasticity

Maintaining optimal skin hydration is essential for skin health and appearance. Astaxanthin improves skin moisture levels, preventing dryness and flakiness. It stimulates collagen production, a vital protein for maintaining skin elasticity and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. This improvement is essential in keeping the skin plump and hydrated.

Astaxanthin also enhances the skin’s barrier function, helping in retaining moisture and protecting the skin from environmental aggressors. This enhancement is crucial in the harsh Australian climate, where the skin is often exposed to extreme weather conditions. A fortified skin barrier ensures the skin remains hydrated and healthy, reducing the likelihood of skin issues related to dryness.

However, it is essential to maintain a balanced diet and proper skincare routine to address other contributing factors to skin dryness and loss of elasticity. Incorporating Astaxanthin as part of a comprehensive skincare routine can provide optimal results in maintaining skin moisture and elasticity.

Reduction of Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Fine lines and wrinkles are inevitable signs of ageing. Astaxanthin’s multifaceted benefits play a significant role in reducing the appearance of these ageing signs. Regular intake of Astaxanthin can enhance skin smoothness by improving skin texture and reducing the depth of wrinkles, contributing to a more refined and youthful appearance.

Astaxanthin promotes collagen production, maintaining skin firmness and reducing sagging. This promotion is crucial in providing a lifting effect to the skin and maintaining its youthful appearance. Astaxanthin addresses various age-related skin changes, including loss of elasticity, uneven skin tone, and reduced skin density, providing comprehensive anti-ageing benefits.

However, it is essential to incorporate a holistic approach, including a healthy lifestyle, balanced diet, and regular skincare routine, to effectively combat ageing signs. Balancing Astaxanthin supplementation with other anti-ageing measures ensures a comprehensive approach to maintaining youthful skin.

Improvement of Skin Texture and Tone

Astaxanthin is instrumental in refining skin texture and tone, making it a valuable asset in skincare. It works by improving the overall health of skin cells, leading to smoother and more even-toned skin. This improvement is particularly beneficial for those dealing with uneven skin texture and discolouration, offering a solution to achieve a more balanced and harmonious complexion.

The regular intake of Astaxanthin can lead to visible improvements in skin clarity and radiance. It addresses issues such as dullness and uneven skin tone by promoting healthier skin cell regeneration and reducing the impact of environmental stressors on the skin. This leads to a more vibrant and luminous complexion, enhancing the skin’s natural beauty.

However, the improvement in skin texture and tone requires consistent use of Astaxanthin, coupled with a well-rounded skincare routine and a healthy lifestyle. It’s essential to maintain proper skincare habits, including cleansing, moisturising, and sun protection, to maximise the benefits of Astaxanthin on skin texture and tone.

Promotion of Collagen Production

Collagen is a crucial protein in the skin, responsible for maintaining its elasticity and firmness. Astaxanthin promotes collagen production in the skin, combating the signs of ageing such as wrinkles and sagging skin. This promotion of collagen is vital in maintaining the structural integrity of the skin, ensuring it remains firm and youthful.

By stimulating collagen synthesis, Astaxanthin helps in repairing damaged skin tissues and enhancing skin resilience. This is particularly beneficial in the healing of wounds and the reduction of scar tissue, leading to healthier and more resilient skin. The increased collagen production also aids in maintaining skin hydration and reducing the appearance of fine lines.

However, the promotion of collagen production by Astaxanthin needs to be complemented by a balanced diet rich in protein and other nutrients essential for collagen synthesis. It’s also important to avoid excessive sun exposure and environmental pollutants that can degrade collagen and hinder its production in the skin.

Supporting Skin Cell Repair and Regeneration

Astaxanthin plays a pivotal role in supporting skin cell repair and regeneration. It aids in the healing process of damaged skin cells, promoting the formation of healthy new cells. This support is crucial in maintaining skin health and preventing the onset of various skin conditions.

The regenerative properties of Astaxanthin are beneficial in addressing skin issues such as acne scars, hyperpigmentation, and sun damage. It accelerates the skin’s natural healing process, reducing the appearance of scars and discolorations, and leading to a more even and flawless complexion.

However, supporting skin cell repair and regeneration with Astaxanthin requires patience and consistency. It’s essential to use Astaxanthin regularly and maintain a healthy lifestyle and skincare routine to witness significant improvements in skin regeneration and repair.

Boosting Immune Response of the Skin

Astaxanthin also acts to boost the immune response of the skin. It strengthens the skin’s natural defence mechanisms against pathogens and environmental aggressors. This boost in immunity is essential in protecting the skin from infections and inflammations, maintaining its health and vitality.

By enhancing the skin’s immune response, Astaxanthin helps in preventing skin conditions associated with immune system imbalance, such as dermatitis and rosacea. It maintains the skin’s natural balance and resilience, reducing the likelihood of skin irritations and inflammations.

However, boosting the immune response of the skin with Astaxanthin should be balanced with overall immune health. It’s crucial to maintain a healthy diet, regular exercise, and proper sleep to ensure the overall well-being of the immune system, which in turn reflects on the health of the skin.

Mitigation of Hyperpigmentation

Astaxanthin is effective in mitigating hyperpigmentation, addressing uneven skin tone and dark spots. It regulates melanin production in the skin, preventing the formation of pigmentations and promoting an even skin tone. This regulation is crucial for those dealing with age spots, melasma, and other forms of hyperpigmentation, offering a solution to achieve clearer and more balanced skin.

By reducing hyperpigmentation, Astaxanthin enhances skin radiance and clarity. It addresses the root causes of pigmentation issues, leading to long-lasting improvements in skin tone and complexion. This makes it a valuable ingredient for those seeking to improve their skin’s luminosity and evenness.

However, the mitigation of hyperpigmentation with Astaxanthin requires adherence to sun protection measures and a consistent skincare routine. It’s essential to use sunscreen regularly and avoid excessive sun exposure to prevent the formation of new pigmentations and maximise the benefits of Astaxanthin in reducing hyperpigmentation.


Potent Antioxidant Properties
  • Offers powerful antioxidant protection, stronger than Vitamin C.
  • Neutralises free radicals, preventing cellular damage and premature ageing.
  • Enhances skin resilience against environmental pollutants and stressors.
Protection Against UV Radiation
  • Acts as a natural sunscreen, shielding skin from harmful UV rays.
  • Mitigates inflammatory responses induced by UV exposure, reducing sunburn symptoms.
  • Prevents collagen degradation and promotes skin elasticity to combat photoageing.
Anti-Inflammatory Effects
  • Alleviates inflammatory skin conditions like acne, eczema, and psoriasis.
  • Modulates the production of inflammatory cytokines and reduces inflammatory markers.
  • Facilitates skin healing and regeneration, preventing scarring.
Enhancement of Skin Moisture and Elasticity
  • Improves skin moisture levels and prevents dryness and flakiness.
  • Stimulates collagen production, maintaining skin elasticity and reducing wrinkles.
  • Enhances skin barrier function, retaining moisture and protecting against environmental aggressors.
Reduction of Fine Lines and Wrinkles
  • Reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, promoting a youthful complexion.
  • Enhances skin smoothness and firmness by promoting collagen production.
  • Addresses various age-related skin changes, providing comprehensive anti-ageing benefits.
Improvement of Skin Texture and Tone
  • Refines skin texture and promotes an even skin tone.
  • Improves skin clarity and radiance by promoting healthy skin cell regeneration.
  • Addresses issues like dullness and uneven skin tone, leading to a more vibrant complexion.
Promotion of Collagen Production
  • Promotes collagen synthesis, maintaining skin firmness and reducing sagging.
  • Enhances skin resilience and aids in repairing damaged skin tissues.
  • Essential for maintaining the structural integrity of the skin.
Supporting Skin Cell Repair and Regeneration
  • Supports the healing process of damaged skin cells and promotes the formation of healthy cells.
  • Accelerates the skin’s natural healing process, reducing scars and discolorations.
  • Essential for maintaining skin health and preventing various skin conditions.
Boosting Immune Response of the Skin
  • Strengthens the skin’s natural defence mechanisms.
  • Prevents skin conditions associated with immune system imbalance.
  • Maintains the skin’s natural balance and resilience.
Mitigation of Hyperpigmentation
  • Regulates melanin production, preventing the formation of pigmentations.
  • Addresses uneven skin tone and dark spots, promoting clearer skin.
  • Enhances skin radiance and clarity by addressing the root causes of pigmentation issues.

Astaxanthin Information

For more everything you need to know about Astaxanthin, check out our comprehensive information page here.

Astaxanthin Information


We’ve created an astaxanthin supplement containing 6mg of astaxanthin per softgel. To learn more about our astaxanthin, check out the product page here.

Buy Astaxanthin


Ron Goedeke MD, BSc Hons MBChB, FNZCAM

Dr. Ron Goedeke, an expert in the domain of functional medicine, dedicates his practice to uncovering the root causes of health issues by focusing on nutrition and supplement-based healing and health optimisation strategies. An esteemed founding member of the New Zealand College of Appearance Medicine, Dr. Goedeke's professional journey has always been aligned with cutting-edge health concepts.

Having been actively involved with the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine since 1999, he brings over two decades of knowledge and experience in the field of anti-aging medicine, making him an eminent figure in this evolving realm of healthcare. Throughout his career, Dr. Goedeke has been steadfast in his commitment to leverage appropriate nutritional guidance and supplementation to encourage optimal health.

This has allowed him to ascend as one of the most trusted authorities in the arena of nutritional medicine in New Zealand. His expertise in the intricate relationship between diet, nutritional supplements, and overall health forms the backbone of his treatment approach, allowing patients to benefit from a balanced and sustainable pathway to improved wellbeing.


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