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How Magnesium Helps You Achieve Radiant Skin, Gorgeous Hair, and Strong Nails

Magnesium, an essential mineral, plays a critical role in more than 300 enzyme reactions in the human body. It is key to various biological processes, including protein synthesis, muscle and nerve function, blood glucose control, and blood pressure regulation. But its role does not end with internal health; it has significant impacts on our external appearances as well – particularly in promoting radiant skin, gorgeous hair, and strong nails. This comprehensive analysis delves into the multi-faceted impact of magnesium on our outer beauty.

Magnesium and Skin Health: Enhancing Radiance and Addressing Skin Concerns

Magnesium contributes to skin health in several ways. First, it improves skin's overall appearance by reducing inflammation and preventing the breakout of acne and other skin disorders. Magnesium has been found to lower levels of skin inflammation, which in turn aids in reducing redness and uneven skin tones.

Second, magnesium aids in skin detoxification. It ensures the cells' optimal function, which leads to the elimination of toxins and other potential skin-damaging compounds. In essence, magnesium works as a protective barrier between the skin and external elements, helping to keep the skin healthy and radiant.

Third, magnesium assists in the prevention of skin aging. Aging skin is often linked to a decrease in cellular metabolism and the breakdown of protein structures such as collagen and elastin. Magnesium aids in protein synthesis, helping to maintain the structural integrity of the skin and slow the aging process.

Despite these benefits, one must be cautious. Overuse of magnesium-based products can lead to skin irritation, particularly in those with sensitive skin. It's always important to balance the benefits and potential drawbacks of any treatment. Consulting a healthcare professional or dermatologist before incorporating new elements into your skincare routine is advisable.

The Role of Magnesium in Hair Growth and Nourishment

Just as it nurtures the skin, magnesium plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy hair. By promoting a healthier scalp, magnesium aids in the prevention of hair follicle inflammation. An inflamed scalp can lead to issues like dandruff and hinder hair growth, leading to hair loss.

Moreover, magnesium is essential in the synthesis of proteins, which ultimately are used to build hair strands. Therefore, a magnesium deficiency could potentially lead to weakened, brittle hair or even hair loss.

Additionally, magnesium's ability to regulate calcium levels in the body indirectly promotes hair health. If there's too much calcium in the body, it can lead to hair loss. Magnesium helps to balance this excess calcium, thereby helping to prevent hair loss.

Despite its benefits, excessive intake of magnesium supplements can have side effects, including diarrhea, stomach cramps, and even an imbalance of other minerals in the body. As such, striking a balance between obtaining the benefits of magnesium and avoiding overuse is key.

Magnesium's Impact on Nail Health: Strengthening and Supporting Growth

Just as it does for skin and hair, magnesium plays a crucial role in promoting healthy, strong nails. A deficiency in this mineral can result in brittle nails that peel and break easily.

Magnesium contributes to the protein synthesis necessary for nail growth. Additionally, it aids in the absorption of calcium, another mineral important for healthy, strong nails.

While adequate magnesium can help maintain nail health, too much magnesium supplementation can lead to adverse effects. Therefore, it's crucial to find a balance, either through diet or appropriate supplementation, under the guidance of a healthcare professional.

Magnesium and Collagen Synthesis: A Key Player in Skin Elasticity

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body, providing structure to your skin. It's vital for skin elasticity and hydration. Magnesium plays a significant role in the synthesis of collagen.

A deficiency in magnesium can hinder collagen production, leading to skin dryness, inflammation, and increased aging. In contrast, appropriate magnesium levels can help increase collagen in the skin, which promotes skin elasticity and reduces signs of aging.

While oral supplementation can support collagen production, topical applications of magnesium may offer direct benefits to the skin. However, as with all things, balance is key, and too much can lead to skin irritation.

The Surprising Benefits of Topical Magnesium for Skin Care

While oral magnesium supplements can provide numerous benefits, applying magnesium topically can also be beneficial. When applied to the skin, magnesium can be absorbed directly into the skin cells, leading to immediate benefits.

Topical magnesium can help hydrate the skin, reduce signs of aging, and even help to combat acne and other skin issues. It can also improve skin barrier function and elasticity.

However, the concentration of topical magnesium products can vary, and high concentrations can potentially cause skin irritation. Therefore, it's essential to patch test any new topical product and seek professional advice if any adverse reactions occur.

Magnesium Deficiency and Its Link to Hair Loss: Preventing Thinning Hair

Magnesium deficiency can lead to several health issues, including hair loss. Adequate magnesium intake ensures healthy hair growth by supporting protein synthesis and maintaining healthy hair follicles.

Hair thinning and loss can be particularly distressing, and while several factors contribute to these conditions, ensuring adequate magnesium levels can be part of an effective preventative strategy.

However, it's crucial to understand that while magnesium deficiency can contribute to hair loss, it's not the only factor. Genetic, hormonal, and environmental factors also play a part. Thus, managing hair health and combating hair loss require a holistic approach, with magnesium being one of many components.

Magnesium for Strong Nails: Nurturing Brittle Nails to Resilience

Magnesium is essential for strong, healthy nails. It aids in protein synthesis, a crucial process in nail growth, and contributes to the proper absorption of calcium, another vital nutrient for nail health.

Brittle nails can be a sign of magnesium deficiency. Ensuring you're getting enough of this vital nutrient can help prevent this common problem.

It's essential to recognise that while magnesium is crucial for nail health, it's not a cure-all. Other factors, including overall nutrition, hydration, and certain medical conditions, can affect nail strength and growth.

Magnesium Supplements for Skin, Hair, and Nail Health: Dosage and Effectiveness

Considering the myriad benefits of magnesium for skin, hair, and nail health, supplementation can be a useful strategy, especially for those who may not be getting enough from their diet.

Supplementation dosage will depend on several factors, including age, sex, and overall health. However, the recommended daily intake of magnesium for adults ranges between 310 and 420 mg. It's essential to consult a healthcare professional to determine the right dosage for you.

Although supplements can be an effective way to increase magnesium levels, they should not replace a balanced, nutritious diet. Foods such as green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, and whole grains are excellent sources of magnesium and should form part of your daily intake.

The Impact of Magnesium on Sebum Production: Balancing Oily Skin

Sebum is an oily substance produced by the body's sebaceous glands. While it serves a vital function in protecting the skin and maintaining its moisture, overproduction can lead to oily skin and acne.

Magnesium helps regulate sebum production, thereby maintaining a balance that promotes healthy skin without the issues associated with excessive oiliness.

However, while magnesium can help balance oily skin, it is not a standalone solution. Other factors, such as hormonal fluctuations, diet, stress, and skincare routine, can all impact sebum production and should be taken into account when addressing oily skin.

Magnesium and Antioxidant Defense: Protecting Skin and Hair from Environmental Damage

Magnesium plays an essential role in the body's antioxidant defense system. It aids in the production of glutathione, an antioxidant that protects cells from damage by harmful molecules known as free radicals. This protection extends to the skin and hair, which are often exposed to environmental stressors like pollution, UV radiation, and other damaging elements.

In the context of skin health, the antioxidant properties of magnesium can help prevent signs of premature aging, such as wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots. It can also help maintain the skin's moisture barrier, contributing to a healthy, radiant complexion.

As for hair health, the antioxidant properties of magnesium can protect the hair and scalp from environmental damage, which can lead to dry, brittle hair and scalp inflammation.

As always, it is important to balance the benefits of magnesium with the potential risks of overuse. Too much magnesium can cause side effects like diarrhea, nausea, and abdominal cramping. Furthermore, excess magnesium can interfere with the absorption of other minerals, leading to imbalances that may negatively affect health.

In conclusion, magnesium holds substantial potential in enhancing skin radiance, promoting hair health, and strengthening nails. However, its use must be balanced and tailored to individual needs, with consideration given to potential side effects and the necessity of maintaining a holistic approach to health and beauty. A healthcare provider's guidance is essential in ensuring a safe and effective use of this powerful mineral.

As always, taking care of your skin, hair, and nails isn't solely about supplementation. It's also about maintaining a healthy diet, managing stress, and having good lifestyle habits. Magnesium is just one piece of the puzzle. The road to radiant skin, gorgeous hair, and strong nails is a journey of overall wellness.


Magnesium and Skin Health
  • Magnesium reduces skin inflammation, improving appearance by lessening redness and uneven tones. It also detoxifies skin, acting as a protective barrier.
  • It prevents aging by aiding protein synthesis, maintaining skin structure. Caution is needed for sensitive skin, as overuse can cause irritation.
Magnesium in Hair Growth and Nourishment
  • Magnesium promotes a healthy scalp, preventing hair follicle inflammation and dandruff. It's vital for protein synthesis, crucial for strong hair.
  • It regulates body calcium, preventing hair loss. Excessive magnesium can lead to stomach issues and mineral imbalances.
Magnesium's Impact on Nail Health
  • Essential for strong nails, magnesium prevents brittleness. It supports protein synthesis and calcium absorption for nail growth.
  • Balance is key, as too much supplementation can be harmful.
Magnesium and Collagen Synthesis
  • Magnesium is crucial for collagen production, impacting skin elasticity and hydration. Deficiency leads to dryness and aging.
  • Both oral and topical magnesium support collagen, but overuse can irritate the skin.
Topical Magnesium Benefits for Skin
  • Applied directly, magnesium hydrates skin, reduces aging signs, and combats acne. It improves skin elasticity and barrier function.
  • Concentration varies in products; high levels can irritate. Patch testing and professional advice are recommended.
Magnesium Deficiency and Hair Loss
  • Lack of magnesium can cause hair loss by affecting protein synthesis and follicle health. It's part of a broader hair loss prevention strategy.
  • Hair loss also depends on genetics, hormones, and environment, requiring a holistic approach.
Magnesium for Strong Nails
  • Magnesium aids in strong nail growth and prevents brittleness. It's crucial for protein synthesis and calcium absorption.
  • It's not a complete solution for nail issues; overall health and nutrition also matter.
Magnesium Supplements: Dosage and Effectiveness
  • Supplements can boost magnesium levels, especially if dietary intake is low. Professional advice is needed for correct dosage.
  • They should complement a balanced diet rich in magnesium-rich foods like vegetables and nuts.
Magnesium's Role in Sebum Production
  • Magnesium regulates sebum, helping balance oily skin. It's part of a broader skincare approach, considering diet and stress.
  • A comprehensive skincare routine is needed for managing oily skin.
Magnesium in Antioxidant Defense
  • Magnesium supports antioxidant defense, protecting skin and hair from environmental damage. It helps prevent aging and maintains moisture.
  • Its antioxidant properties protect hair and scalp, but excess can cause side effects and disrupt mineral balance.

Magnesium Information

For everything you need to know about magnesium and magnesium supplements, check out our comprehensive information page here.

Magnesium Information


We’ve created a magnesium supplement with a combination of three types of highly absorbable magnesium at a therapeutic dose. Our magnesium comes as an easy to mix, great tasting powder to ensure optimal absorption. To learn more about our magnesium, check out the product page here.

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Ron Goedeke MD, BSc Hons MBChB, FNZCAM

Dr. Ron Goedeke, an expert in the domain of functional medicine, dedicates his practice to uncovering the root causes of health issues by focusing on nutrition and supplement-based healing and health optimisation strategies. An esteemed founding member of the New Zealand College of Appearance Medicine, Dr. Goedeke's professional journey has always been aligned with cutting-edge health concepts.

Having been actively involved with the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine since 1999, he brings over two decades of knowledge and experience in the field of anti-aging medicine, making him an eminent figure in this evolving realm of healthcare. Throughout his career, Dr. Goedeke has been steadfast in his commitment to leverage appropriate nutritional guidance and supplementation to encourage optimal health.

This has allowed him to ascend as one of the most trusted authorities in the arena of nutritional medicine in New Zealand. His expertise in the intricate relationship between diet, nutritional supplements, and overall health forms the backbone of his treatment approach, allowing patients to benefit from a balanced and sustainable pathway to improved wellbeing.


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